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You searched for: beauty parlor

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  • Frustrating two and three-toed sloth customers demand discounted 2-for-1 manicures & pedicures from annoyed manicurist.
  • Uncomfortable man has skin painfully waxed for customers only restroom policy.
  • Hairless tendrils jellyfish has Brazilian wax at underwater beauty parlor.
  • Jellyfishes warn not to mention curly tentacles jellyfish’s awful permed hairstyle.
  • Financial papers get longer tax extensions hairstyles at beauty parlor.
  • Prince Charming with long hair and beard tells Rapunzel in tower he’s been on lock down too.
  • Researcher tests painful internet haircutting laptop scissor arm invention rough drafts.
  • Parents, kid and dog think what miss since covid-19 shutdowns months ago, getting hair cut, manicures, movie theaters, sniffing butts.
  • Shaggy jellyfishes can’t trim overgrown tendrils at salon closed in Covid-19 pandemic shutdowns.
  • Man head with glasses and mustache hairstyle isn’t what woman in salon had in mind when she asked hairdresser for a bob.
  • Cat leaves salon with big whisker length extensions.
  • Salon specializes in giving books yellow highlighting.

You searched for: beauty parlor